Resources for Senior Health (01)
Health Information that Seniors can Trust
Although it won’t replace a visit to your doctor, many seniors can get senior health information right over the Internet. There are plenty of articles on topics that seniors can read with ease, such as Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. There is also information on cancer and nutrition information. Learn about what types of vitamins and supplements seniors need most here. The site is regularly updated with medical research information.
Keeping Food Safe for the Elderly
Even though Americans enjoy a healthful food supply, it is still important for senior citizens to be aware about food safety. As elders, your body may not have the ability to fight off dangerous bacteria like it once used to. So learning about preventing foodborne illnesses is important to your care. This site tells you how to recognize a foodborne illness, and gives a cooking temperature chart so you can make sure meats are fully cooked. It has a refrigerator storage chart, handy for instructing you on when to toss certain foods and condiments. A section on eating out is included, as many people bring home unsafe leftovers. This is a very useful resource for aging adults and senior citizen caregivers.
New LifeStyles: The Source for Seniors
Do you need help figuring out which senior residences and care options are best? New LifeStyles offers everything you need to make an informed, comfortable decision about your own or your loved one's future. The group’s resources are right here on this site, from local to national resources. You can also order a free directory on senior health care and senior housing, completely free. There are plenty of informational articles on senior housing, picking a nursing home, finding a geriatric care managing and things to ask before hiring a home care agency. There is also an interactive tool called Care Interpreter to help you find suitable housing for yourself or an older loved one in your life. State licensing information is included, which will help you make the best senior housing choices.
Want to Know What Happens During a Visit to the Chiropractor? Check Out the American Chiropractic Association Site
The American Chiropractic Associatio's Press Room provides information about research supporting chiropractic care as being a safe and effective treatment option for medical conditions, including headaches, neck pain, and chronic pain. Chiropractors offer cost-effective services to their patients, who are generally satisfied with the service they receive. Find out what chiropratic is and the kinds of services they offer, including nutritional and lifestyle counselling. What to expect at a first visit to a chiropractor, statistics about chiropractic care, and the educational process to become a chiropractor are also covered here, along with some interesting facts about the history of this branch of medicine.
Better Senior Health: Conditions and Information for Carers
There are so many conditions that face the elderly, but those who care for them can help alleviate symptoms and overcome challenges all by learning more about these issues. This site describes many better senior health tips and lists conditions and provides information for carers who look after people who are sick, elderly or who have a disability. Topics include: fitness for elders, aging, fall prevention for the elderly, taking memory tests, home gardening for seniors, fitness over 50, healthy aging, retirement issues, wrinkles, travel tips for seniors, osteoporosis, flu, depression and aging, vision loss, dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, cataracts, and much more. The site has an interactive aspect where people can submit questions, take quizzes and get better health tools.
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