Resources for Healthier Children (02)

Is Your Child Shy?
Many children experience shyness at some point or another, so this site provides information for sensitive children. A section for kids and tweens, teens, parents and teachers is included. This is a wonderful resource especially for teachers, who deal with plenty of children every day. The site also includes books and information about making friends and avoiding social anxiety disorder.

Managing Your Child’s Anger
A happy child is a healthy child, so if your child is angry, you need to help them deal with it. This site discusses the three components of anger, which includes the emotional state of anger, the expression of anger and understanding anger. This article discusses how to understand and manage anger and give teachers and parents tips for guiding children to express their anger through popular psychological models.

Child Safety Around Dogs and Puppies - Tips by Trainer Victoria Stilwell
Here, well-known dog trainer Victoria Stilwell provided a long list of safety tips while treating a dog. This guide discusses certain situations where people should be very careful, whether the dog is familiar with them or not. Among those instances that Stilwell mentioned are times when a dog is eating, sleeping, and or even when it is tied up. In addition, she gave some reminders on what to do when someone sees a stranger dog and how to react when it starts to act violently. In general, the list suggests that dogs are animals and not toys, and that people should also respect them.

For Some Kids, Lunchroom Cafeteria Tables Can Be Dangerous
Most children and their parents take eating their noon meal at a lunchroom cafeteria table as being a routine part of the school day. For children who live with food allergies, having a meal at school may be fraught with danger. Check out this web site to read true accounts of what kids who have food allergies live with every day and how dangerous food allergies can be. The stories serve as a reminder to parents and teachers that they must be constantly vigilant in keeping kids safe.

Tips for Keeping Kids Active by Arrowhead Health Centers
Every self-respecting parent knows that being physically active is fun and healthy. However, not a lot of parents are able to transfer their enthusiasm for physical activity to their kids who just want to curl up inside their air-conditioned rooms with a video game or their favorite cartoon on television. Arrowhead Health Centers offers parents some suggestions they could use to encourage their kids to be more physically active. One thing parents can do is to be role models to their kids. The American Heart Association recommends that adults have 30 minutes of physical activity every day for at least five days per week. When kids, especially the younger ones, see their parents in action, they are sure to follow suit.

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